Two Down Press is Presented by Twilight Golf Club

We are excited to welcome Twilight Golf Club as the presenting sponsor of Two Down Press!

TGC has an active chapter in Charlotte with 100+ members. It’s a great way to meet other passionate golfers in town and play some competitive golf in a casual setting. Annual dues are $50 per year giving members access to:

  • A members-only Slack channel.

  • GHIN Handicap hosting under Twilight Golf Club, a $35 value.

  • Participation in Twilight Summer League, a season-long event consisting of a series 9-hole matches at courses across the city.

  • Access to Twilight Golf Club events hosted at great courses across the state, including the annual Club Championship for all chapters (includes Triad and Raleigh chapters).


A Fellowship Beyond the Game // @twilightgolfnc